Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Emotional Blackmail

Today I emailed lots of people I hadn't in a while, just to say hi. There wasn't a lot for me to do at work so, well, what else was I supposed to do? I had already cleaned my desk, looked at possible holiday destinations for me and my friend Vicky in June and checked the times for trains to Cambridge for this coming weekend.

So I heard back from Yeppoon! An old antipodean drinking buddy o'mine Rod is living there feeding coal miners (he's a chef, not some kind of weird missionary).
Where the heck is that? I thought to myself and looked it up on multimap.com!
It's on the Queensland Coast of Australia! You didn't know that before you read this did you?!
This is educational this blog! haha
He also said he's recently become a daddy, so he has to be responsible! What a shock to the system that must be. No more hangovers tho, so that's one good thing. Unless you count sleephangovers, which hurt bad too without the fun bit. Hmm.

Talking of which I'm suffering from Nick-Lag (TM). It's like jet-lag but caused by my boyfriend Nick. My man works silly evening hours so generally keeps me up way past my bedtime on the weekend leaving me very disorientated come Monday/Tuesday. See, it's 12.30am and I should be asleep! But I'm still on Nick Time (TM) in Nick World (TM). Ah.

Actually I've rumbled my boyfriend's selective memory. He looked me up in blog world and found me cos I wouldn't tell him the address. haha. But I'm onto him now see, he lets on like he can't even remember his own address when really he can remember really dull things like me having a blog!
It's a bit like your mum finding your rubbish diary when you're 15. Only I'm not likely to write anything silly about having crushes on various boys (well..) and how 'Lisa can be a real bitch sometimes and she's got rubbish hair'. I can hand on heart say I recently read an old diary entry from that heady hormonal year that simply read "gave Snelly a custard tart" with hearts around it and things... that was the highlight of my day?! mortifying! haha

Goodnight, and thanks for reading NM

; )

1 comment:

Nicholarse said...

Hey cheeky! You've not done your blog for a bit. Have I ruined things?