Tuesday, August 21, 2007

what would scoob do?

i was in my hometown this weekend to see my mum and dad... i went for a nice meal and a bottle of red with my mum Friday night and made bread and Dorset Apple Cake on saturday with my dad!

it's nice to spend time with the olds from time to time - especially when you pick up new life skills like baking! making bread brought all kind of questions to mind - who decided you could mix wheat flour with water and yeast to make something so amazing!

this in turn gave me one of the many comedy flashbacks* i've been experiencing since i got back from my week in edinburgh! a guy had done a bit on how gutted was the guy who invented bread must be that we have the phrase 'he's the best thing sice sliced bread!' haha

then i went to see my pal in The Wirral and had to drive thru the Mersey Tunnel for the first time - eek! it's eerie man driving in an underwater tunnel! i had to put on The Pigeon Detectives CD to distract me from the spookiness! haha

then on the way when i was driving home to Madchester i saw the best bumber sticker ever! it said 'What would Scooby do?'! Brilliant!

what a great philosophy in life - it's almost as good as Don't Panic!

*comedy flashbacks are brilliant. because by its very nature most comedy tends to be toopical there are lots of instances in everyday life where you come across things that remind you of a good set... so even though the ednigburgh fest was tres expensive - really its the festival that keeps on giving! haha

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