Thursday, September 18, 2008

grudgerly bear

turns out i bear grudges...

i never thought of myself as this sort of person.. indeed i think 10 years ago i definitely didn't...

but these days i can rake over a past hurt with ease, and for what?!

all it does is make me feel bad, the people who dished out these bad times are long over it no doubt - not that they were even bothered in the first place!

its a strange thing a grudge, lying there dormant, waiting to catch you out and make you feel bad...

i wanna be grudge free dammit!

i spose you get so far along in life though and don't feel like forgiving anyone anymore? like enough's enough, if these people don't know how to behave then why should i let them get away with it? their reputation with me is forever sullied, i'm just learning from experience not to be so trusting next time maybe?

no, no matter what i argue for this bad taste i have about people* who i've had the misfortune to deal with, it all still sounds like pointless bad feeling...

i always thought i was quite philosophical about most things in life, maybe i'm just having a bad week, or maybe i'm just getting old and grumpy! haha

*come on now, you didn't think i was actually going to get into juicy undignified details did you? that's not my style baby!

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