Monday, May 18, 2009

world class

on Saturday i'm having a beard and moustache party in honour of the world championships taking place in Alaska...

originally when i discovered the hirsute event in Brighton 2 years ago i was planning to go to Alaska... then i realised it was the other side of the world* so i decided i better hold an honorary party with cocktails instead! haha

with only 5 sleeps to go i'm very excited - altho i'm dithering over which fakery to sport - a monty python esque bearded lady? or a drawn on Musketeer style tashe?! i can't decide!

hopefully the next World Champs will be back in Europe and i can be at the real thing but y'know i'm hoping a few beardy friends will be just enough fun... i'll post pics for sure, in the meantime if you want to join in and send pictures of your own facial hair please do so!

*i know, i'm a dumb ass, but i thought it was East Side not West Side.. who KNOWS where Alaska is for chrissakes?!

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