Sunday, January 20, 2013

lippy power

This is me... 

I'm sporting a hat my mum abandoned in the 80s and somehow I managed to keep hold of it (lord knows how I managed this since I've moved about 20 times since then, which sounds like a blog entry waiting to happen!)... I'm also working a newly trimmed fringe having felt overgrown for a couple of weeks, feels great to see my brows again... and the pout is for the new lippy I purchased today from MAC... It's called Pink Nouveau and oh how I love it!

To me this is a perfect example of how simple pleasures can make your day :)

A fabulous hat, a fringe tidy and a new lippy made me smile and how lucky am I to live such a life? And don't think I'm not being serious, I am a big believer in the little things in life (for example did you see my post about Be Lovely Day?!)

Another thing that made me smile today since you asked ;)
my mate Chi wrote this ace song with a lyric that lingered in my head since I heard it on Wednesday... "what's the use of living in the past/ it ain't ever gonna ask you to come back" #wow
love it so much hear it here... 

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