Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Trinny and Susannah worship

I had the pleasure of seeing the lovely fashionistas in the flesh last week!
Style in The City in Birmingham was a three day event at which the Trinny & Susannah Style Academy pulled into town hoiking up bra straps and making trembling lillies of grown women who clearly didn't know any better!
It was fabulous!
I saw half a dozen badly dressed women transformed before my very eyes! I don't even care if it was a set up - it was truly marvellous hehe
They even divulged their own secrets to looking good despite short legs and baby bellies... It was so cool seeing them in person, they're TV royalty as far as I'm concerned! My only regret is that I was flying solo and only had the camaraderie of the mostly female crowd, it would have been great to be there with a friend but it was during the day when most people work and well, iIdon't have too many female friends in Brum just yet... But so as not to miss out on post-show euphoria I called several ladies who I knew would be greatly jealous not to have been there!
Having thought it through afters, while it was a compliment not to have been picked from the audience for a makeover, I should have 'dressed-down' to win a one-on-one with the fashion experts... pah!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you enjoyed yourself at the Style Academy. Just wanted to let you know that it is not at all set up. The women chosen for the makeover were all picked out from the audience...the transformations were real, and the reactions exemplify in the most honest way Trinny and Susannah's work. It is those reactions that the girls doing what they do.


Anonymous said...

What do you think of Gok Wan? I like him very much.

jodester said...

Gok Wan is great TV for sure, tho I read a disturbing article about him in the press telling me he was very crude and insulting to a young model working on his show, he wrote her a letter saying it was just his sense of humour but it did make me think twice about him...