Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Xmastime continues

Ok ok I slipped on the daily dose, but I had to travel to and from Liverpool so I have a decent excuse ;)

Whizzed up north for a flying visit to see my family and catch up with an old friend who now lives in Amsterdam... our festive drinkies are becoming quite the annual tradition with a hangover to match... we went on Pammy Watch as Ms Anderson is doing the big Liverpool panto along with Les Dennis and the yummy Mark Moraghan... we didn't catch the beautiful blonde but did manage to have a moment with MM which is a bit blurry due to the number of Guinness with Tia Maria I'd consumed by the time we bumped into him! I also have fuzzy memories of discovering the jukebox in the pub was on FREEPLAY - which is awesome always - and us dancing with a random local called Tony! oh god...

Hoping to catch Louie and The Hoff in panto in Wimbles next...

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