Thursday, September 27, 2007

green fingers

i got me a plant for my desk!

a bit of greenery to remind me its not natural to sit at a desk all day...
a houseleek i believe, i wanted a cactus (low maintenance) but the store didn't have any and this was pretty so...
one day i'd like a place where i could grow some tomatoes, i love the smell of the vine, but when it comes to gradens i find them a bit boring... i prefer the park, i guess i like company! haha
when i was at uni i decided my philosophical statement was (apart from i drink therefore i am) that 'god is a tree'... i know you can hardly bear the deafening clarity it has brought to your day! hehe
the idea was that since the earth needs trees to clean the air, cleansing the world of its sins? they're everywhere, just liek the big guy, and look pretty (i hear looking on natural things in a stressbuster in modern life), created in his own image?!
it stands that god is a tree!
theological? moi? i'm more into Socrates personally... it may show from the above nonsense... but all this green fingery stuff was kicked off when one of the managers at work boguht a load of plants for his team and i've done nothing but eye them enviously since!
hence the houseleek...

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