Tuesday, August 15, 2006

hiphopera - it really exists!

so over the weekend i went to Bridlington* and on the way over in the motor me and my man listened to Adam & Joe's XFM Podcast**.

on this particular edition they explained to us that the king of RnB, one R Kelly, had invented a new genre of music, the HipHopera. A soap opera sang by R himself. They played a few clips and it sounded ridiculous.
Me and my man then had a discussion about whether it was a parody or whether it was in fact real and R had invented a new genre of music.

Later, when much wine had flowed at our friends house, we turned to YouTube.com to look at various nonsense.

it occured to me that if HipHopera existed then we should see it! and where better to look for it than the world wide web.


i cannot fully explain the mirth that R caused on Saturday night. and i am sure he was taking it way too seriously to even appreciate the laughter he gave us!
please watch Trapped In The Closet*** here http://youtube.com/watch?v=ms3WabNFWnc
and find the next 11 epsiodes thereafter!
i promise it's worth 40 minutes of your life! haha

i understand that it isn't new.
and if you are already aware of the HipHopera then may i say this:
'why didn't you tell me?! that's just selfish!'
and this:
'watch it again my friend, it's good repeat viewing value!' haha

*to see our friends James and Clare. nice place, shame about the rain, but that did add to the experience, the penny arcade was AMAZING! and i had a knickerbocker glory in the 60s cafe!

**if you haven't already enjoyed them, it is essential that you listen to these chaps, soon. they are so funny on the radiddlio they make me cry tears of laughter!

***this goes a long way to explain the South Park episode where Tom Cruise is trapped in the closet, which is also a YouTube must-see!

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